At home – again after 20 days in PICU


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Home IV antibiotics

I was released from the hospital on March 22.  I had to go home with a PIC line in my arm so I could get IV antibiotics through May 1.  Even with the PIC line, I started to get back to my new normal and restarted physical therapy again.

As I got stronger, I was also able to get out a bit and go to the Pancake House for breakfast and Ruby’s and Wokcano  for dinner and get out a bit.

With Ryan & Peter

Wokcanos with Ryan, Kelly & Peter

Logistically it was rough.  I was still using a walker, had double vision – had to eye patch, and couldn’t walk long distances, so  had to also use a wheel chair.


Beards & buzzes

Looks good…

Not so much…


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