MY JOURNEY Sort by Date

My Journey

The Unexpected Journey

My journey started on January 16th of 2017.  I was off school for Martin Luther King Day, and was out for a normal mountain bike shred...

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SurgeriesMy Journey

Cracken open the skull – Surgery #1

I had brain surgery to remove the tumor on January 23, 2017.  The surgery took about 2 hours and the best news we received, was the tumor...

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My JourneyComplications

What happened after brain surgery?

I spent five days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) following my tumor resection.  Not all went perfect after surgery and when I...

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My JourneyRehab

Learning to do things all over

My initial physical therapy session goal was 5 steps at a time walking from my bed, to a wheel chair or wheel chair to the toilet.  I...

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My Journey

Woo whoo… got to go home

I was released from the hospital on January 28th. For the next couple of days, I chilled on the couch, slept a lot – sleeping is the best...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Back to Choc for the second time

I was readmitted to the hospital February 2.  Upon admission to the hospital I had a MRI, and it showed my ventricles in my brain were...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Not just a ventricle issue… battling three issues now…

Upon sampling the CSF it was discovered I acquired bacterial meningitis during the initial surgery.  What that meant, is I had an...

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SurgeriesMy JourneyComplications

Fighting the infection in my brain

Enter a new department to help with my case – Infectious Disease (ID).  Dr. Arrieta is the president of the medical staff and division...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Pressure relief – Surgery #2

The only way to relieve the pressure and test to see what was going on was to put in an External Ventricular Drain (EVD) in my skull....

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SurgeriesMy Journey

Cleared for Surgery #3

In order to be cleared for surgery to fix my ICP issue, I had to be infection free.  To be cleared, Infectious Disease had to pull 3 CSF...

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SurgeriesMy JourneyComplications

Surgery number #3

Your body produces CSF continuously to protect your brain.  As you produce more, your ICP goes up. As your brain excretes/eliminates it,...

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My JourneySurgeries

Normal for the most part… for a few weeks at least…

For the next few weeks, I started MY normal routine.  Each day I got IV antibiotics every 8 hours – 6am, 2pm and 10pm.  But, one thing...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Back to the Hospital but with some different issues

In addition to not feeling good for a few days, on March 2, I had some pain on my right side, and when I went pee, there was some blood in...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Kidney Issue – Surgery #4

On March 3, I had a 2 hour kidney surgery at Choc – by Dr Wehbi, one of the best pediatric urologist in the world – to remove...

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My JourneySurgeries

Another Brain Surgery – #5

March 4th was a bad day where I was really sick and I got to a point that my ICPs were so high, that I began to reach a critical level from...

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My JourneySurgeries

Surgery #6 – EVD Redo

When you have an EVD or any type of device to help your body function for a while you sometimes need to have it changed so you don’t...

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My JourneySurgeries

Surgery #7 – Shunt

The surgery to insert the Shunt was performed on March 20.  The good thing about the Shunt surgery, is that I only needed to stay a day or...

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My Journey

At home – again after 20 days in PICU

I was released from the hospital on March 22.  I had to go home with a PIC line in my arm so I could get IV antibiotics through May 1. ...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Lack of Sun and Vitamin D not good – Surgery #8

On April 14 – not so Good Friday – I was supposed to have an easy surgery to remove the balance of the kidney stones and the stent...

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My JourneySurgeries

Tube Free! – Surgery #9

On May 1, I had outpatient surgery to remove the stent, the catheter and PIC line.  This actually was the first procedure I had that...

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My JourneySurgeries

Gamma Knife – remove some left over tumor – Surgery #10

I had outpatient surgery/treatment on May 31 at San Antonio Hospital to treat some residual tumor tissue that was not removed from the...

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My JourneyRehab

Rest, PT and trying to just be a kid

Following Gamma Knife, my focus was on rest, PT and healing so I could be ready to start school in August.  I went to PT 4 days a week,...

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SurgeriesMy Journey

Checking ICPs – Surgery #11

Since I started back at school in August, each day I woke up with a stomach ache.  It progressively got worse to the point in which I had...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Uncrossing the eyes almost – Surgery #12

For the last year, I have had double vision left to right and up and down. This is due to 6th nerve palsy – my 6th cranial nerve is...

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My JourneyComplicationsRehab

No, I am not a Pirate – why the eye patch?

In addition to the right side deficits, the surgery also affected my vision – right eye specifically.  After surgery, I experienced...

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My JourneyComplicationsRehab

Why do I walk funny or stumble some times?

As expected, I did experience some deficits (balance and coordination issues) as the result of the initial tumor surgery.  Primarily, my...

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My JourneySurgeries

Opening up the skull again – Surgery #13

So for the last year, I haven’t felt real good consistently.  Most mornings I wake up with nausea, my vision even though I’ve...

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My JourneyRehab

What’s a typical day

There really aren’t typical days. My hope for every day, is when I wake up, I feel good. For the most part of the last year, I woke up...

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My Journey

CLEARED… No restrictions… Let’s go crazy!!!!

March 12 was a great day. At my appointment with my neuro surgeon, I finally got my release note from Dr. Loudon to return to normal...

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My Journey

Faith based activities and honored to be recognized.

I had three big things happen recently that where exciting experiences and humbling as well.  I recieved my First Communion and was...

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My Journey

Thankfully, things are moving along….

For the most part, I am feeling pretty good physically.  I haven’t had any stomach issues or anything else other that a sinus infection...

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My Journey

My Journey

My Journey

My senior year has begun!

It’s been a long road to get here and I am glad I made it.  A lot goes on for your senior year, and I am ready to get going. As I’ve...

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My Journey

My Journey

Great Season, great year… now time to prep for College!

I am so grateful to have had an amazing Senior year so far, and a great football season as well.  There are many doubters, but more...

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My Journey

I Love a Parade, Thanksgiving, and Search for a College…

To kick off Christmas, I had the opportunity to represent the Make a Wish foundation, and grand marshal the San Clemente Christmas Parade...

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My Journey

Set for my next chapter… almost…

I have decided on St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin where I will study Physics and Math, and have an opportunity to play football...

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My Journey

My Journey

My Journey

My Journey

College is hard

I am not going to lie, college is hard and St Norbert College in De Pere, WI is 2131 miles from home.  I also have to remember, that my...

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My Journey

Half Smiles are Cool™ for a little while… Surgery #14

A little background about my face… One of the things that happened after my cyst fenestration surgery in January of 2018 was...

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My Journey

Lock down can’t keep me down… got things to do!

It has been a couple months since I came home from St Norbert College due to COVID-19. As students, we originally were going to take two...

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My Journey

Not Everything Goes as Planned, or as You Hoped

First, I’ll start out with letting you know I am feeling pretty good and have not had any major health issues recently.  I had my annual...

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My Journey

Working on the Face – #halfsmilesarecool for even a little while longer – Surgery #15

              On December 16th, I had my second facial nerve reconstruction surgery.  Dr Azizida and...

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My Journey

My Journey

My Journey

Symmetry and Smiles – The process is slow

Here’s an update showing the progress with my smile post facial nerve reconstruction. It’s taken many hours in the mirror at...

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My Journey

What I’ve Been Up To

Hey, Zach here, it’s been a little bit since I updated the website. This year has been quite the unexpected year for me. In the last...

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My Journey

Golf Balls Seem to be a Recurring Theme = Surgery 17

Well, this was bound to happen, my 17th surgery. You might ask yourself, “how did Zach get to surgery 17 without 16?” The answer is, I...

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My Journey

Golf Balls Seem to be a Recurring Theme = Surgery 17

Well, this was bound to happen, my 17th surgery. You might ask yourself, “how did Zach get to surgery 17 without 16?” The answer is, I...

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My Journey

What I’ve Been Up To

Hey, Zach here, it’s been a little bit since I updated the website. This year has been quite the unexpected year for me. In the last...

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My Journey

Symmetry and Smiles – The process is slow

Here’s an update showing the progress with my smile post facial nerve reconstruction. It’s taken many hours in the mirror at...

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My Journey

My Journey

My Journey

Working on the Face – #halfsmilesarecool for even a little while longer – Surgery #15

              On December 16th, I had my second facial nerve reconstruction surgery.  Dr Azizida and...

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My Journey

Not Everything Goes as Planned, or as You Hoped

First, I’ll start out with letting you know I am feeling pretty good and have not had any major health issues recently.  I had my annual...

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My Journey

Lock down can’t keep me down… got things to do!

It has been a couple months since I came home from St Norbert College due to COVID-19. As students, we originally were going to take two...

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My Journey

Half Smiles are Cool™ for a little while… Surgery #14

A little background about my face… One of the things that happened after my cyst fenestration surgery in January of 2018 was...

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My Journey

College is hard

I am not going to lie, college is hard and St Norbert College in De Pere, WI is 2131 miles from home.  I also have to remember, that my...

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My Journey

My Journey

My Journey

My Journey

Set for my next chapter… almost…

I have decided on St. Norbert College in De Pere, Wisconsin where I will study Physics and Math, and have an opportunity to play football...

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My Journey

I Love a Parade, Thanksgiving, and Search for a College…

To kick off Christmas, I had the opportunity to represent the Make a Wish foundation, and grand marshal the San Clemente Christmas Parade...

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My Journey

Great Season, great year… now time to prep for College!

I am so grateful to have had an amazing Senior year so far, and a great football season as well.  There are many doubters, but more...

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My Journey

My Journey

My senior year has begun!

It’s been a long road to get here and I am glad I made it.  A lot goes on for your senior year, and I am ready to get going. As I’ve...

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My Journey

My Journey

My Journey

Thankfully, things are moving along….

For the most part, I am feeling pretty good physically.  I haven’t had any stomach issues or anything else other that a sinus infection...

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My Journey

Faith based activities and honored to be recognized.

I had three big things happen recently that where exciting experiences and humbling as well.  I recieved my First Communion and was...

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My Journey

CLEARED… No restrictions… Let’s go crazy!!!!

March 12 was a great day. At my appointment with my neuro surgeon, I finally got my release note from Dr. Loudon to return to normal...

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My JourneyRehab

What’s a typical day

There really aren’t typical days. My hope for every day, is when I wake up, I feel good. For the most part of the last year, I woke up...

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My JourneySurgeries

Opening up the skull again – Surgery #13

So for the last year, I haven’t felt real good consistently.  Most mornings I wake up with nausea, my vision even though I’ve...

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My JourneyComplicationsRehab

Why do I walk funny or stumble some times?

As expected, I did experience some deficits (balance and coordination issues) as the result of the initial tumor surgery.  Primarily, my...

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My JourneyComplicationsRehab

No, I am not a Pirate – why the eye patch?

In addition to the right side deficits, the surgery also affected my vision – right eye specifically.  After surgery, I experienced...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Uncrossing the eyes almost – Surgery #12

For the last year, I have had double vision left to right and up and down. This is due to 6th nerve palsy – my 6th cranial nerve is...

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SurgeriesMy Journey

Checking ICPs – Surgery #11

Since I started back at school in August, each day I woke up with a stomach ache.  It progressively got worse to the point in which I had...

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My JourneyRehab

Rest, PT and trying to just be a kid

Following Gamma Knife, my focus was on rest, PT and healing so I could be ready to start school in August.  I went to PT 4 days a week,...

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My JourneySurgeries

Gamma Knife – remove some left over tumor – Surgery #10

I had outpatient surgery/treatment on May 31 at San Antonio Hospital to treat some residual tumor tissue that was not removed from the...

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My JourneySurgeries

Tube Free! – Surgery #9

On May 1, I had outpatient surgery to remove the stent, the catheter and PIC line.  This actually was the first procedure I had that...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Lack of Sun and Vitamin D not good – Surgery #8

On April 14 – not so Good Friday – I was supposed to have an easy surgery to remove the balance of the kidney stones and the stent...

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My Journey

At home – again after 20 days in PICU

I was released from the hospital on March 22.  I had to go home with a PIC line in my arm so I could get IV antibiotics through May 1. ...

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My JourneySurgeries

Surgery #7 – Shunt

The surgery to insert the Shunt was performed on March 20.  The good thing about the Shunt surgery, is that I only needed to stay a day or...

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My JourneySurgeries

Surgery #6 – EVD Redo

When you have an EVD or any type of device to help your body function for a while you sometimes need to have it changed so you don’t...

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My JourneySurgeries

Another Brain Surgery – #5

March 4th was a bad day where I was really sick and I got to a point that my ICPs were so high, that I began to reach a critical level from...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Kidney Issue – Surgery #4

On March 3, I had a 2 hour kidney surgery at Choc – by Dr Wehbi, one of the best pediatric urologist in the world – to remove...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Back to the Hospital but with some different issues

In addition to not feeling good for a few days, on March 2, I had some pain on my right side, and when I went pee, there was some blood in...

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My JourneySurgeries

Normal for the most part… for a few weeks at least…

For the next few weeks, I started MY normal routine.  Each day I got IV antibiotics every 8 hours – 6am, 2pm and 10pm.  But, one thing...

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SurgeriesMy JourneyComplications

Surgery number #3

Your body produces CSF continuously to protect your brain.  As you produce more, your ICP goes up. As your brain excretes/eliminates it,...

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SurgeriesMy Journey

Cleared for Surgery #3

In order to be cleared for surgery to fix my ICP issue, I had to be infection free.  To be cleared, Infectious Disease had to pull 3 CSF...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Pressure relief – Surgery #2

The only way to relieve the pressure and test to see what was going on was to put in an External Ventricular Drain (EVD) in my skull....

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SurgeriesMy JourneyComplications

Fighting the infection in my brain

Enter a new department to help with my case – Infectious Disease (ID).  Dr. Arrieta is the president of the medical staff and division...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Not just a ventricle issue… battling three issues now…

Upon sampling the CSF it was discovered I acquired bacterial meningitis during the initial surgery.  What that meant, is I had an...

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My JourneySurgeriesComplications

Back to Choc for the second time

I was readmitted to the hospital February 2.  Upon admission to the hospital I had a MRI, and it showed my ventricles in my brain were...

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My Journey

Woo whoo… got to go home

I was released from the hospital on January 28th. For the next couple of days, I chilled on the couch, slept a lot – sleeping is the best...

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My JourneyRehab

Learning to do things all over

My initial physical therapy session goal was 5 steps at a time walking from my bed, to a wheel chair or wheel chair to the toilet.  I...

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My JourneyComplications

What happened after brain surgery?

I spent five days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) following my tumor resection.  Not all went perfect after surgery and when I...

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SurgeriesMy Journey

Cracken open the skull – Surgery #1

I had brain surgery to remove the tumor on January 23, 2017.  The surgery took about 2 hours and the best news we received, was the tumor...

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My Journey

The Unexpected Journey

My journey started on January 16th of 2017.  I was off school for Martin Luther King Day, and was out for a normal mountain bike shred...

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