Great Season, great year… now time to prep for College!


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Grid Iron Time

I am so grateful to have had an amazing Senior year so far, and a great football season as well.  There are many doubters, but more supporters who helped get me prepared to tackle my senior year, and also play the game I love.  I am not going to lie, but at first I was a bit rusty and not quite sure how my body was going to respond, but part of the game is repetition and repetition leads to success and I am proud of what I have accomplished through hard work.

As I’ve mentioned before, the biggest thing that set me up for success this year was the work I put in with Mike Monnahan and his team at Monnahan & Monnahan physical therapy during the 2017 year. From the time I came home and in between all the hospital visits, Mike and his team were relentless in getting me back to walking, shuffling, moving, lifting and helped me get my mobility back.  Mike also gave me what I call my “Blue Bag” workout – my blue bag carries my hurdles, ladders, cones a jump rope and a football – which I do 3-4 days a week in addition to PT, acupuncture and boxing. I hit the field at 6:30 am to get my work in.  Things as simple as getting up from a my back to my feet as fast as I can multiple times helped my rebuild my nerves on the right side of my body.  Without his program, I would have never been able to get back playing last August and have had as successful of a season as I did.

The infamous Blue Bag workout

Quick Season Recap

I was able to play the entire season, and my first game was in August against Norco.  Wow it was great running back on to the field and getting some!  The season went great and we were once again ranked as one of the top teams in the state as well as nationally.  

Doesn’t hurt to have support from the best line Coach in the nation – Pat Harlow!

All in all, I am proud of what I accomplished.  I battled all year with a few broken fingers, Lisfranc injury and some turf toe along with the normal stuff from knocking around folks and powering though the grind.

The 2018 Senior Football Banquet

It’s humbling to have an award created in your honor. May I be the only one ever listed in that no one shall have to go through a journey like mine.

The football banquet is always a bit bittersweet because I was saying good bye to another season, and this time to my high school football career – 5 years mind you.  Two years with Coach Hartigan who introduced me to grit and the grind, and my last three with Coach Harlow who understood what I was going through, believed in me, and gave me an opportunity as crazy as it may be.  In my mind the banquet is also an opportunity to say thank you to my coaches and biggest supporters who have helped me grow as a person and a student athlete.  Without my coaches and team mates, I would not have had the opportunity to play this year especially, and have the opportunity to keep playing in college.

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