My Journey • Complications • Rehab
As expected, I did experience some deficits (balance and coordination issues) as the result of the initial tumor surgery. Primarily, my...
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In addition to the right side deficits, the surgery also affected my vision – right eye specifically. After surgery, I experienced...
Surgeries • My Journey • Complications
For the last year, I have had double vision left to right and up and down. This is due to 6th nerve palsy – my 6th cranial nerve is...
On April 14 – not so Good Friday – I was supposed to have an easy surgery to remove the balance of the kidney stones and the stent...
On March 3, I had a 2 hour kidney surgery at Choc – by Dr Wehbi, one of the best pediatric urologist in the world – to remove...
In addition to not feeling good for a few days, on March 2, I had some pain on my right side, and when I went pee, there was some blood in...
Your body produces CSF continuously to protect your brain. As you produce more, your ICP goes up. As your brain excretes/eliminates it,...
The only way to relieve the pressure and test to see what was going on was to put in an External Ventricular Drain (EVD) in my skull....
Enter a new department to help with my case – Infectious Disease (ID). Dr. Arrieta is the president of the medical staff and division...
Upon sampling the CSF it was discovered I acquired bacterial meningitis during the initial surgery. What that meant, is I had an...