My Journey

My Journey

My Journey

Working on the Face – #halfsmilesarecool for even a little while longer – Surgery #15

              On December 16th, I had my second facial nerve reconstruction surgery.  Dr Azizida and...

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My Journey

Not Everything Goes as Planned, or as You Hoped

First, I’ll start out with letting you know I am feeling pretty good and have not had any major health issues recently.  I had my annual...

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Featured Optional Subtitle

My Journey


Golf Balls Seem to be a Recurring Theme = Surgery 17

Well, this was bound to happen, my 17th surgery. You might ask yourself, “how did Zach get to surgery 17 without 16?” The answer is, I had surgery 16. It...

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What I’ve Been Up To

Symmetry and Smiles – The process is slow

Make a Wish Foundation, Wish Granted

Let’s Talk Brain Tumors

Working on the Face – #halfsmilesarecool for even a little while longer – Surgery #15

Staff Pick's

My Journey

My Journey

Working on the Face – #halfsmilesarecool for even a little while longer – Surgery #15

              On December 16th, I had my second facial nerve reconstruction surgery.  Dr Azizida and...

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My Journey

Not Everything Goes as Planned, or as You Hoped

First, I’ll start out with letting you know I am feeling pretty good and have not had any major health issues recently.  I had my annual...

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My Journey

Lock down can’t keep me down… got things to do!

It has been a couple months since I came home from St Norbert College due to COVID-19. As students, we originally were going to take two...

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My Journey

Half Smiles are Cool™ for a little while… Surgery #14

A little background about my face… One of the things that happened after my cyst fenestration surgery in January of 2018 was...

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