My Journey

SurgeriesMy JourneyComplications

Surgery number #3

Your body produces CSF continuously to protect your brain.  As you produce more, your ICP goes up. As your brain excretes/eliminates it,...

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My JourneySurgeries

Cleared for Surgery #3

In order to be cleared for surgery to fix my ICP issue, I had to be infection free.  To be cleared, Infectious Disease had to pull 3 CSF...

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SurgeriesMy JourneyComplications

Pressure relief – Surgery #2

The only way to relieve the pressure and test to see what was going on was to put in an External Ventricular Drain (EVD) in my skull....

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SurgeriesMy JourneyComplications

Fighting the infection in my brain

Enter a new department to help with my case – Infectious Disease (ID).  Dr. Arrieta is the president of the medical staff and division...

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SurgeriesMy JourneyComplications

Not just a ventricle issue… battling three issues now…

Upon sampling the CSF it was discovered I acquired bacterial meningitis during the initial surgery.  What that meant, is I had an...

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SurgeriesMy JourneyComplications

Back to Choc for the second time

I was readmitted to the hospital February 2.  Upon admission to the hospital I had a MRI, and it showed my ventricles in my brain were...

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My Journey

Woo whoo… got to go home

I was released from the hospital on January 28th. For the next couple of days, I chilled on the couch, slept a lot – sleeping is the best...

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My JourneyRehab

Learning to do things all over

My initial physical therapy session goal was 5 steps at a time walking from my bed, to a wheel chair or wheel chair to the toilet.  I...

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My JourneyComplications

What happened after brain surgery?

I spent five days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) following my tumor resection.  Not all went perfect after surgery and when I...

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SurgeriesMy Journey

Cracken open the skull – Surgery #1

I had brain surgery to remove the tumor on January 23, 2017.  The surgery took about 2 hours and the best news we received, was the tumor...

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